Committees and Councils
Looking to get more involved in the Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association?
Our volunteer-led member committees are an excellent way to leverage your membership.
You’ll have the opportunity to make business connections, learn about the latest trends and technologies, and address issues affecting the home building industry in the Ottawa Region.
We are always accepting new Members.
Looking to get more involved in the Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association?
Our volunteer-led member committees are an excellent way to leverage your membership. You’ll have the opportunity to make business connections, learn about the latest trends and technologies, and address issues affecting the home building industry in the Ottawa Region.
Provides a unified voice for all builders and developers. This council is active in monitoring legislation and regulation that affects the development community at the various levels of government and provides members with a consistent channel of up-to-date industry information. Meets the 1st Tuesday of every month at 8:30 am
Comprised of builders, architects, planners, and designers, the Urban Infill Council monitors legislation and regulation policies that affect residential urban growth and provides members with a consistent channel of up-to-date industry information. They work closely with the City of Ottawa and community groups on municipal planning issues that affect residential development inside the Greenbelt. Meets the 1st Thursday of every month at 8:30 am
Promotes education and knowledge sharing between builders, trade contractors, and suppliers. Meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 8:00 am
Promotes innovative building and design, with the goal of improving building practices, enhancing quality, and increasing sustainability. Their monthly meetings feature guest speakers who provide information on various innovative products and technologies, as well as private tours of Ottawa’s most innovative and sustainable housing projects. Meets the 4th Tuesday of every month at 8:30am
Provides an industry roundtable for renovator members, where they are informed about changes affecting their business, and share industry knowledge and experiences. Their monthly meetings feature guest speakers who provide information on a variety of renovation-specific topics. Meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 12:00 pm
This Renovation Council sub-committee develops an annual marketing plan designed to promote and educate the general public about the RenoMark® program, which is a code of conduct that all of our renovator members adhere to. They organize a series of events, including the RenoMark® Reno Tour, a one-day housing tour which gives consumers the opportunity to view professionally renovated homes across the city. Meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 1:30 pm
Recruits new members and promotes participation in Association activities. They focus on bringing value to members through educational sessions and the communication of important industry information. Meetings are held as required
Organizes membership networking events, which include the spring and fall golf tournaments, as well as the curling bonspiel. Meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 2:30 pm
Organizes an annual awards program and gala to recognize excellence and highlight member achievements in new home and renovation design. Meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 8:30 am
Focused on growing the skilled trade labour pool in the Ottawa-area residential construction industry. This new committee will also promote skilled trades as a first choice career, and work to achieve goals through strategic partnerships and initiatives. Meets the 4th Thursday of every month at 8:30 am
If you are interested in joining the Builder/Developer Council or Urban Infill Council, please contact:
Jason Burggraaf
If you are interested in joining the Builder/Trade Council, Renovators' Council, Building Innovation Committee, Renovators' Marketing Committee or Trades Development Initiative, please contact:
Tracey Parslow
If you are interested in joining the Housing Design Awards or Social committee, please contact:
Christina Pliatsika
If you are interested in joining the Membership Committee,
please contact:
Soula Burrell